Identifying Visa Types

For further information on visa-free entry requirements and conditions of permission, please refer to the B-2-1 Tourist/Transit (General) visa page under the general guide menu of visa categories.

Important Notice: Each visa type has different application requirements and qualifications, so choose the right visa type for you.
Status of residence Target or scope of activity

A person with a diplomatic or official passport of Philippines can visit Korea without a visa and stay for any desired period under the Visa Exemption Agreement between the two countries.

* Those who intend to engage in any type of lucrative activities or employment should obtain an appropriate visa.

If you satisfy any of the following conditions, you can travel to or transit through Korea without a visa. You will be able to stay for up to 30 days in Korea.

1) Transit Tourists Travelling to a Third Country
- You transit through Korea on your way to the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and hold a valid visa (including re-entry permit) issued by the aforementioned countries.
- You transit through Korea on your way to a third country or the country of nationality via direct flight from the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to Korea after legally staying in these respective countries.

Person planning to visit the Jeju Island for tour or transit within 30 days will be able to enter Korea without visa.

1) A person who plans to stay for a short period of time on the purpose of visiting relatives, investing in public business, participating in a non-official sport games, attending events or meetings, performing cultural art, engaging in a training, taking lessons, attending a religious ceremony, collecting documents for academic research, or any other equivalent activities.

2) Frequent Visitors : You have entered Korea at least 4 times within the past 2 years, or 10 times in your total travel history. Also, you have never violated Korean laws or overstayed in Korea before.

A person or group who plans to visit Korea for travel, or for small-scale cross border trading, guaranteed by an applicant''s travel agency

Person who plans to engage in commercial activities such as market research, business meetings, consultation, signing a contract, or small-scale international trading or an APEC card holder visiting Korea without a visa

A person who has been invited by a company or an organization designated by the Minister of Justice of ROK as a preferential company.

A person who plans to visit Korea on the purpose of travel for holidays or leisure

Short-Term General C-3-1

1) A person who plans to stay for a short period of time on the purpose of visiting relatives, investing in public business, participating in a non-official sport games, attending events or meetings, performing cultural art, engaging in a training, taking lessons, attending a religious ceremony, collecting documents for academic research, or any other equivalent activities.

2) Frequent Visitors : You have entered Korea at least 4 times within the past 2 years, or 10 times in your total travel history. Also, you have never violated Korean laws or overstayed in Korea before.

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
1. A participant in friendly sporting matches, events or conferences in the ROK, including sports competitions (golf, soccer, etc.) with set cash prizes for finalists.
* Even if the host party provides you with flight tickets and living expenses for your trip, you are eligible for this visa. However, if you receive or will receive monetary compensation exceeding your living expenses other than cash prizes, you are eligible for Short-term Employee (C-4) visa.
2. A person who is planning for short-term stay to learn and improve technologies or functionalities at government or a company.
- If you receive monetary compensation not exceeding the living expenses, you are eligible for this visa. However, if you receive monetary compensation in return for your work such as learning to use technologies or technical features, you are eligible for Industrial Trainee (D-3-1) visa.
3. A family visitor for wedding, funeral, nursing, etc.
4. A person who is planning for short-term visit upon invitation by relatives residing in Korea
5. A person who is planning for short-term language study
6. A household assistant, hired by Korean citizen whose living base is located abroad, who needs to enter Korea along with the Korean citizen for humanitarian causes* for short duration (less than 90 days)
* Humanitarian causes include household assistants giving hands to parenting, nursing, funeral procedure and other activities of a Korean national who recently have given a birth
7. Spouse and child of those with refugees status for the purpose of family unification in accordance with Article 37 of the Refugee Act
8. A visitor to Korea for the purpose of engaging in all C-3 activities except Group Tourist (C-3-2), Medical Tourist (C-3-3), Business Visitor(General) (C-3-4), Business Visitor(Agreement) (C-3-5), Business Visitor(Sponsored) (C-3-6), Short-term Visitor(Overseas Korean) (C-3-8), or Ordinary Tourist (C-3-9)
* Those who is planning for for-profit activities or employment should obtain a proper visa for those activities.


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A document (or an invitation letter) demonstrating the purpose of entry such as attending an event or taking a training program.

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months. Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , or 30 days for a double-entry visa.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
1) A spouse or child under age 20 of a Korean national
* If you are a foreign spouse of Korean national and intend to reside in Korea with your Korean spouse, you must apply for Marriage Migrant (F-6-1) visa.
2) Child under age of 20 or parents of a foreign spouse who maintains his/her marriage with Korean national for more than a year after the marriage registration in both countries
3) Parents or child of a person who acquired Korean nationality


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Certificate of family relation and any documents proving family relationship for an accompanied family members

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
Overseas Korean not included in the definition of overseas Korean specified in Article 2(2) of the「Act on Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Korean」, and his/her spouse and child


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An official document of the country of citizenship verifying you are overseas Koreans with foreign nationality

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country or a person who have visited any OECD country twice or more in the past four years (excluding the ROK), or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, an executive or an employee of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK or public institutions.
  6. An executive member of a corporation or the CEO of a company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, entertainers and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit (C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (e.g. tax payment certificate), credit card usage record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: invitation letter from government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (for representative), proof of employment (with employment period stated)

Case 7: identification, proof of employment (with employment period stated)

Case 8: corresponding license or proof of employment, ID or membership card of affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving that he/she has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

A multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years will be issued to an eligible applicant. Period of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you have entered the Republic of Korea at least 4 times within the past 2 years, or 10 times in your total travel history. (At least One entry or departure REQUIRED within the past 2 years)

* Those who have violated the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea or have been ordered to depart from the ROK or issued an order of deportation within 3 years as of the date of application are NOT eligible to apply.


Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format

* A fee is free.

* The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A person (i.e. corporate executive and stockholder) who has signed an investment contract with a promotion agency of the Immigrant Investor Scheme for Public Business to make the minimum investments required or more in the public funds or projects designated by the Minister of Justice and wants to visit the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the agency and, who meets one of the following two requirements and his/her accompanying family members (i.e. spouse and unmarried children)
1. Payment of at least a third of the total fees to the agency
2. Remittance or deposit of investment money of at least KRW 50 million in Korea


  1. Visa Application Form, a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An Immigrant Investment Contract signed between an investor and a promotion agency
  3. A Power of Attorney
  4. Documents proving payment of fees to a promotion agency or remittance (deposit) of investment money
  5. Documents proving the family relations (if you are coming to ROK with family members)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months.
Period of stay will be granted within a maximum period of 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A foreign investor, or an executive and a stockholder of a corporate that has invested a substantial amount of capital in the investment facilities, and who wishes to frequently travel to the ROK without alien registration, and his/her accompanied family members (parents, a spouse, children, parents-in-law)


  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Certified copy of real estate register, a real-estate contract (for a person registered)
  3. Membership certificate confirmed and issued by the Korea Leisure Condominium Management Association, membership certificate and deposit receipt issued by the selling company (for members only)
  4. Certificate of foreign exchange purchase (a receipt of wire transfer to ROK, proof of money transfer or other documents indicating that you have brought foreign capitals to ROK)
  5. Additional document to prove payment or remittance from overseas (under corresponding investor’s name) to the corporate
  6. Official letter from the respective company, which indicates that you are a member of their current executive body or oligopolistic stockholder. You also need the entire list of their executives and stockholders (for executives or stockholders of the company only)
  7. A certificate of family relations (only when you apply for accompanying family)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years.
Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A retired foreign investor, or an executive or a stockholder of a corporate that has invested a substantial amount of capital in the investment target designated by the Minister of Justice, and who wishes to frequently travel to the ROK without alien registration, and his/her accompanied family members (parents, a spouse, children, parents-in-law)


  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Any documents proving that you have paid an applicant's investment money (investment confirmation stamped by the head of an investment-attracting agency, wire transfer receipt, and etc.)
  3. A document demonstrating foreign exchange purchase or a record of capitals inflow to ROK for business operation, or a record of fund being wire-transferred to ROK.
  4. Family Relations Certificate (limited to a case where spouse of investor or minor children, parents apply for the visa)
  5. For Retired immigrant investors(over age 55), documents demonstrating their financial assets worth at least 300 million KRW (i.e. deposits, assets such as real estate)
  6. Official letter from the respective company, which indicates that you are a member of their current executive body or oligopolistic stockholder. You also need the entire list of their executives and stockholders (for executives or stockholders of the company only)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years.
Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)
Group Tourist C-3-2

A person or group who plans to visit Korea for travel, or for small-scale cross border trading, guaranteed by an applicant''s travel agency

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
Corporation incentive group tourists or school group tourists of high school or below.


  1. Visa Application Form for Group, passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Incentive Tour group hosted by a Company
    - A letter of request for Visa issuance from the hosting company of incentive tour
    - a copy of Business Registration Certificate of the respective country
    - Documents (i.e. certificate of income tax payment) which prove financial capability of each member
  3. Field trip of high school or below
    - A letter of request for Visa issuance from a respective school

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.
The visa holder is not permitted to extend or change his/her visa.


Electronic form (visa application form)
Business Visitor (General) C-3-4

Person who plans to engage in commercial activities such as market research, business meetings, consultation, signing a contract, or small-scale international trading or an APEC card holder visiting Korea without a visa

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are a person who plans to stay for a short period of time in ROK for the purposes of market research, liaison works, counseling, signing a contract, or installing/repairing/learning to operate an imported/exported machinery, or other similar reasons


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A document proving the purpose of your business such as a business invitation letter, a copy of Business Registration Certificate or a certified copy of Corporate Register

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country, a person who has visited any OECD country (excluding the ROK) twice or more in the past four years, or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, or an executive or employee of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK and public institutions.
  6. An executive of a corporation or an employee(manager or higher) of a listed company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, celebrities and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit(C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (i.e. tax payment certificate), credit card record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: an invitation letter from a government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (only for CEO/president), proof of employment indicating the period employment

Case 7: ID card, proof of employment indicating the period of employment.

Case 8: a related license or proof of employment, ID card or membership card of an affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving an applicant has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
A person who has been invited by the local company(inviter) for commercial purpose, with history of entering Korea for more than 3 times as short-term visitor(C-3) visa since Jan. 1st, 2012.

She/he must not have any history of illegal stay or criminal case during the period of stay.


  1. Visa Application Form, a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An Invitation Letter including the purpose of an invitation and an agreement that guarantees the return of a patient
  3. A copy of ID Card of an inviting person

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)
Business Visitor (Sponsored) C-3-6

A person who has been invited by a company or an organization designated by the Minister of Justice of ROK as a preferential company.

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are A person invited by preference companies or organizations selected by Ministry of Justice.


  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Proof of Employment
  3. An invitation letter issued by selected corporations or associations

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)
Ordinary Tourist C-3-9

A person who plans to visit Korea on the purpose of travel for holidays or leisure

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are a person who plans to visit Korea on the purpose of travel for holidays or leisure


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Documents demonstrating the financial capacity during the stay in ROK or a document for identification

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months. Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are a preferential visit card holder and the family (spouse, minor child, parents, and parents-in-law).


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A copy of preferential visit card
  3. Document proving applicant's qualification for a preferential visit card (bank book or certificate of bank account balance )
    * not applicable for holders of "preferential card without financial function"
  4. A document proving family relations (Marriage Certificate, Certificate of Family Relation Records, Birth Certificate and others)

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country or a person who has visited any OECD country (excluding the ROK) twice or more in the past four years, or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, an executive or a staff member of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK and public institutions.
  6. An executive of a corporation or the CEO of a company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, celebrities and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit (C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.


  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (i.e. tax payment certificate), credit card record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: an invitation letter from a government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (only for CEO/president), proof of employment indicating the period employment

Case 7: ID card, proof of employment indicating the period of employment.

Case 8: a related license or proof of employment, ID card or membership card of an affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving an applicant has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

A multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years will be issued to an eligible applicant. Period of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.


Electronic form (visa application form)

For further information on visa-free entry requirements and conditions of permission, please refer to the B-2-1 Tourist/Transit (General) visa page under the general guide menu of visa categories.

Important Notice: Each visa type has different application requirements and qualifications, so choose the right visa type for you.
Status of residence
Visa Exempted B-1
Target or scope of activity

A person with a diplomatic or official passport of Philippines can visit Korea without a visa and stay for any desired period under the Visa Exemption Agreement between the two countries.

* Those who intend to engage in any type of lucrative activities or employment should obtain an appropriate visa.

Tourist / Transit (General) B-2-1
Target or scope of activity

If you satisfy any of the following conditions, you can travel to or transit through Korea without a visa. You will be able to stay for up to 30 days in Korea.

1) Transit Tourists Travelling to a Third Country
- You transit through Korea on your way to the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and hold a valid visa (including re-entry permit) issued by the aforementioned countries.
- You transit through Korea on your way to a third country or the country of nationality via direct flight from the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to Korea after legally staying in these respective countries.

Tourist / Transit (Jeju) B-2-2
Target or scope of activity

Person planning to visit the Jeju Island for tour or transit within 30 days will be able to enter Korea without visa.

Short-Term General C-3-1
Target or scope of activity

1) A person who plans to stay for a short period of time on the purpose of visiting relatives, investing in public business, participating in a non-official sport games, attending events or meetings, performing cultural art, engaging in a training, taking lessons, attending a religious ceremony, collecting documents for academic research, or any other equivalent activities.

2) Frequent Visitors : You have entered Korea at least 4 times within the past 2 years, or 10 times in your total travel history. Also, you have never violated Korean laws or overstayed in Korea before.

Group Tourist C-3-2
Target or scope of activity

A person or group who plans to visit Korea for travel, or for small-scale cross border trading, guaranteed by an applicant''s travel agency

Business Visitor (General) C-3-4
Target or scope of activity

Person who plans to engage in commercial activities such as market research, business meetings, consultation, signing a contract, or small-scale international trading or an APEC card holder visiting Korea without a visa

Business Visitor (Sponsored) C-3-6
Target or scope of activity

A person who has been invited by a company or an organization designated by the Minister of Justice of ROK as a preferential company.

Ordinary Tourist C-3-9
Target or scope of activity

A person who plans to visit Korea on the purpose of travel for holidays or leisure

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
1. A participant in friendly sporting matches, events or conferences in the ROK, including sports competitions (golf, soccer, etc.) with set cash prizes for finalists.
* Even if the host party provides you with flight tickets and living expenses for your trip, you are eligible for this visa. However, if you receive or will receive monetary compensation exceeding your living expenses other than cash prizes, you are eligible for Short-term Employee (C-4) visa.
2. A person who is planning for short-term stay to learn and improve technologies or functionalities at government or a company.
- If you receive monetary compensation not exceeding the living expenses, you are eligible for this visa. However, if you receive monetary compensation in return for your work such as learning to use technologies or technical features, you are eligible for Industrial Trainee (D-3-1) visa.
3. A family visitor for wedding, funeral, nursing, etc.
4. A person who is planning for short-term visit upon invitation by relatives residing in Korea
5. A person who is planning for short-term language study
6. A household assistant, hired by Korean citizen whose living base is located abroad, who needs to enter Korea along with the Korean citizen for humanitarian causes* for short duration (less than 90 days)
* Humanitarian causes include household assistants giving hands to parenting, nursing, funeral procedure and other activities of a Korean national who recently have given a birth
7. Spouse and child of those with refugees status for the purpose of family unification in accordance with Article 37 of the Refugee Act
8. A visitor to Korea for the purpose of engaging in all C-3 activities except Group Tourist (C-3-2), Medical Tourist (C-3-3), Business Visitor(General) (C-3-4), Business Visitor(Agreement) (C-3-5), Business Visitor(Sponsored) (C-3-6), Short-term Visitor(Overseas Korean) (C-3-8), or Ordinary Tourist (C-3-9)
* Those who is planning for for-profit activities or employment should obtain a proper visa for those activities.

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A document (or an invitation letter) demonstrating the purpose of entry such as attending an event or taking a training program.

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months. Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , or 30 days for a double-entry visa.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
1) A spouse or child under age 20 of a Korean national
* If you are a foreign spouse of Korean national and intend to reside in Korea with your Korean spouse, you must apply for Marriage Migrant (F-6-1) visa.
2) Child under age of 20 or parents of a foreign spouse who maintains his/her marriage with Korean national for more than a year after the marriage registration in both countries
3) Parents or child of a person who acquired Korean nationality

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Certificate of family relation and any documents proving family relationship for an accompanied family members

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
Overseas Korean not included in the definition of overseas Korean specified in Article 2(2) of the「Act on Immigration and Legal Status of Overseas Korean」, and his/her spouse and child

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An official document of the country of citizenship verifying you are overseas Koreans with foreign nationality

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country or a person who have visited any OECD country twice or more in the past four years (excluding the ROK), or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, an executive or an employee of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK or public institutions.
  6. An executive member of a corporation or the CEO of a company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, entertainers and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit (C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (e.g. tax payment certificate), credit card usage record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: invitation letter from government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (for representative), proof of employment (with employment period stated)

Case 7: identification, proof of employment (with employment period stated)

Case 8: corresponding license or proof of employment, ID or membership card of affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving that he/she has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

A multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years will be issued to an eligible applicant. Period of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you have entered the Republic of Korea at least 4 times within the past 2 years, or 10 times in your total travel history. (At least One entry or departure REQUIRED within the past 2 years)

* Those who have violated the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea or have been ordered to depart from the ROK or issued an order of deportation within 3 years as of the date of application are NOT eligible to apply.


Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format

* A fee is free.

* The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A person (i.e. corporate executive and stockholder) who has signed an investment contract with a promotion agency of the Immigrant Investor Scheme for Public Business to make the minimum investments required or more in the public funds or projects designated by the Minister of Justice and wants to visit the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the agency and, who meets one of the following two requirements and his/her accompanying family members (i.e. spouse and unmarried children)
1. Payment of at least a third of the total fees to the agency
2. Remittance or deposit of investment money of at least KRW 50 million in Korea

  1. Visa Application Form, a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An Immigrant Investment Contract signed between an investor and a promotion agency
  3. A Power of Attorney
  4. Documents proving payment of fees to a promotion agency or remittance (deposit) of investment money
  5. Documents proving the family relations (if you are coming to ROK with family members)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months.
Period of stay will be granted within a maximum period of 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A foreign investor, or an executive and a stockholder of a corporate that has invested a substantial amount of capital in the investment facilities, and who wishes to frequently travel to the ROK without alien registration, and his/her accompanied family members (parents, a spouse, children, parents-in-law)

  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Certified copy of real estate register, a real-estate contract (for a person registered)
  3. Membership certificate confirmed and issued by the Korea Leisure Condominium Management Association, membership certificate and deposit receipt issued by the selling company (for members only)
  4. Certificate of foreign exchange purchase (a receipt of wire transfer to ROK, proof of money transfer or other documents indicating that you have brought foreign capitals to ROK)
  5. Additional document to prove payment or remittance from overseas (under corresponding investor’s name) to the corporate
  6. Official letter from the respective company, which indicates that you are a member of their current executive body or oligopolistic stockholder. You also need the entire list of their executives and stockholders (for executives or stockholders of the company only)
  7. A certificate of family relations (only when you apply for accompanying family)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years.
Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
A retired foreign investor, or an executive or a stockholder of a corporate that has invested a substantial amount of capital in the investment target designated by the Minister of Justice, and who wishes to frequently travel to the ROK without alien registration, and his/her accompanied family members (parents, a spouse, children, parents-in-law)

  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Any documents proving that you have paid an applicant's investment money (investment confirmation stamped by the head of an investment-attracting agency, wire transfer receipt, and etc.)
  3. A document demonstrating foreign exchange purchase or a record of capitals inflow to ROK for business operation, or a record of fund being wire-transferred to ROK.
  4. Family Relations Certificate (limited to a case where spouse of investor or minor children, parents apply for the visa)
  5. For Retired immigrant investors(over age 55), documents demonstrating their financial assets worth at least 300 million KRW (i.e. deposits, assets such as real estate)
  6. Official letter from the respective company, which indicates that you are a member of their current executive body or oligopolistic stockholder. You also need the entire list of their executives and stockholders (for executives or stockholders of the company only)

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years.
Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
Corporation incentive group tourists or school group tourists of high school or below.

  1. Visa Application Form for Group, passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Incentive Tour group hosted by a Company
    - A letter of request for Visa issuance from the hosting company of incentive tour
    - a copy of Business Registration Certificate of the respective country
    - Documents (i.e. certificate of income tax payment) which prove financial capability of each member
  3. Field trip of high school or below
    - A letter of request for Visa issuance from a respective school

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.
The visa holder is not permitted to extend or change his/her visa.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
a person who plans to stay for a short period of time in ROK for the purposes of market research, liaison works, counseling, signing a contract, or installing/repairing/learning to operate an imported/exported machinery, or other similar reasons

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A document proving the purpose of your business such as a business invitation letter, a copy of Business Registration Certificate or a certified copy of Corporate Register

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country, a person who has visited any OECD country (excluding the ROK) twice or more in the past four years, or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, or an executive or employee of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK and public institutions.
  6. An executive of a corporation or an employee(manager or higher) of a listed company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, celebrities and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit(C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (i.e. tax payment certificate), credit card record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: an invitation letter from a government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (only for CEO/president), proof of employment indicating the period employment

Case 7: ID card, proof of employment indicating the period of employment.

Case 8: a related license or proof of employment, ID card or membership card of an affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving an applicant has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
A person who has been invited by the local company(inviter) for commercial purpose, with history of entering Korea for more than 3 times as short-term visitor(C-3) visa since Jan. 1st, 2012.

She/he must not have any history of illegal stay or criminal case during the period of stay.

  1. Visa Application Form, a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. An Invitation Letter including the purpose of an invitation and an agreement that guarantees the return of a patient
  3. A copy of ID Card of an inviting person

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months.
Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa, if you are
A person invited by preference companies or organizations selected by Ministry of Justice.

  1. Application form for Confirmation of Visa Issuance (Form No. 21), a copy of passport, a photo in a standard format
  2. Proof of Employment
  3. An invitation letter issued by selected corporations or associations

*If a representative is hired, he/she must submit a Power of Attorney from an applicant, his/her employment certificate and A copy of ID Card.

*The head of Immigration Office may request for additional documents if it is deemed necessary to review the purpose of entry, validity of an invitation, and qualification of an inviting organization or an invitee.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year.
Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)
Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are a person who plans to visit Korea on the purpose of travel for holidays or leisure

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Documents demonstrating the financial capacity during the stay in ROK or a document for identification

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a single-entry visa valid for 3 months or a double-entry visa valid for 6 months. Periods of stay will be granted for up to 90 days for a single-entry visa , and 30 days for a double-entry visa.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for this visa if you are
a preferential visit card holder and the family (spouse, minor child, parents, and parents-in-law).

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. A copy of preferential visit card
  3. Document proving applicant's qualification for a preferential visit card (bank book or certificate of bank account balance )
    * not applicable for holders of "preferential card without financial function"
  4. A document proving family relations (Marriage Certificate, Certificate of Family Relation Records, Birth Certificate and others)

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

You can apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years. Periods of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 90 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)

Eligibility criteria for application

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, if you have visited the ROK once and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years, if you are

  1. A permanent resident of any OECD country or a person who has visited any OECD country (excluding the ROK) twice or more in the past four years, or a person who has visited the ROK twice or more
  2. A public/civil servant, an employee of government-owned company, an executive or a staff member of an airline or a shipping company providing services to the ROK on a regular basis
  3. A VIP customer of an internationally accepted credit card(Gold or Platinum Card Holder) or a person whose annual income is higher than $8000
  4. A person who plans to establish a company working with ROK on the development and sales of resource/energy, or a person invited by a public/private organization to engage in activities such as counseling or signing a contract on resource/energy
  5. Important figures or interest parties attending international events or conferences upon the invitations of the government of the ROK and public institutions.
  6. An executive of a corporation or the CEO of a company (have been employed for at least one year)
  7. Media staff such as journalist, producer, editor and others (have been employed for at least one year)
  8. Professionals (i.e. doctor, lawyer, accountant, assistant professor or higher), and important figures, famous artists, athletes, writers, celebrities and others acknowledged by the head of diplomatic mission
  9. A person at the age of 55 or older collecting his/her pension
  10. An international student who graduated from a vocational college or higher in the Republic of Korea
  11. A spouse, minor child, parents or parents-in-law of a person with a valid multiple Short-Term Visit (C-3) visa holder

You are eligible to apply for a multiple-entry visa valid for 5 years, if you have previously received a multiple-entry visa valid for 3 years and you have no criminal and illegal immigration records.

  1. Visa Application Form (Form No. 17), passport, a photo in a standard format, fee
  2. Additional documents for each case

Case 1: a document proving an applicant is a permanent resident (i.e. permanent residence card) or an applicant have visited the country

Case 2: proof documents for flight/shipping operations(only for an employee of an airline or shipping company) and proof documents for working relations such as proof of employment

Case 3: official documents (i.e. tax payment certificate), credit card record

Case 4: a contract on development and sales of resource/energy signed with a company in ROK , or an invitation letter from a company in ROK, and documents proving the company is in a business of resource/energy

Case 5: an invitation letter from a government or public institute

Case 6: document of company establishment (only for CEO/president), proof of employment indicating the period employment

Case 7: ID card, proof of employment indicating the period of employment.

Case 8: a related license or proof of employment, ID card or membership card of an affiliated group (i.e. artist recognized by the head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad)

Case 9: documents proving an applicant has received a pension

Case 10: degree certificate or certificate of graduation

Case 11: proof documents for family relation

*The head of Korean diplomatic missions abroad may request for additional documents depending on the condition of the country of residence/jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary for visa evaluation.

Visa Type

A multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years will be issued to an eligible applicant.
Period of stay for this visa will be granted for up to 30 days.

Electronic form (visa application form)